Speak to your potential student/client about what transformation they will receive by completing this course.
What you'll get from this course:
Course Curriculum
Module 1.0: Name
Module 2.0: Name
Module 3.0: Name
Module 4.0: Name
Module 5.0: Name
What's in the box?
Meet Your Coach/Instructor
Hi there!
My name is YOUR NAME HERE, the founder of the YOUR MEMBERSHIP SITE NAME (e.g. The Seybienne Learning Academy). I help WHO YOU HELP/YOUR IDEAL CLIENT (e.g. coaches and consultants) to HOW YOU HELP THEM (e.g. create and launch online courses and membership programs). I am obsessed with helping WHO YOU HELP (e.g. coaches and consultants) to WHAT YOU HELP THEM DO (e.g. set up recurring revenue streams) so that they can WHAT CAN THEY DO (e.g. break free from the trading time for money trap).
The NAME OF THIS COURSE (part of my NAME YOUR SIGNATURE COURSE/PROGRAM) has been responsible for helping other NAME YOUR IDEAL CLIENT (e.g. coaches and consultants) HOW IT HAS HELPED THEM without WHAT IT HELPS THEM AVOID.
Without it, you will continue to worry about WHAT THEY WORRY ABOUT (e.g. how you will get your course online quickly), while trying to service your current clients.
With it, you'll WHAT THEY WILL DO (e.g. create and launch your course) with confidence and purpose knowing that your WHAT THEY ARE PREPARED FOR (e.g. online course is set up the right way) to build trust with your prospective students, so that they know WHAT THEY WILL KNOW (e.g. that investing in you and your programs) will help them WHAT IT WILL HELP THEM DO (e.g. achieve the results that they want).
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